Worldpedia Wiki

the logo of Internetpedia

Internetpedia (Chinese:網路百科, called IP) is a portmonteau word for Internet and encyclopaedia. It is formerly known as Chinese Worldpedia (中文世界大典), since the founder, Msnhinet8, wanted to use a more resounding name, and let it become famous wiki site, so he changed its name to Internetpedia on November 10, 2015.

It is a world in which a family ceremony. In Traditional Chinese based, it is a parody of the Chinese encyclopedia Wikipedia, as is traditional Chinese encyclopedia online co-pen, this site can include all the information (not including advertising)..


the logo of Chinese Worldpedia

Besides, a wiki which called "Chinese Worldpedia" is on the hub Miraheze[1]. It is run by T Gordon Cheng. But it isn't jet popular.

External links[]

Chinese(zh) - Japanese(ja) - English(en) - Korean(ko) - Spanish(es) - French(fr) - Thai(th) - German(de) - Mongolian(mn) - Dutch(nl) - Classical Chinese(lzh)

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Notes and References[]

網路百科 - 網路百科 - Wikia by User:Tgbyctfm
